Find accommodation for your group

Book group accommodation easily online in Europe's most popular cities and take advantage of discounts and free places

Hotels & Hostels

Book accommodation for your next group trip simply online.

You are planning a group trip and don't fancy the idea to wait for individual offers? On WelcomeGroups you are able to check availabilities and prices of group-suitable accommodation on a daily basis or book directly - always in consideration of group-discounts!

WelcomeGroups finds accommodation for groups from 10 persons in different price categories online – no matter if you wish to stay in a hostel, conference hotel or 5*-Hotel

In case that you didn't find what you were looking for, e-mail us your desired date and we will provide a suitable offer!

WelcomeGroups Advantages

Verified accommodation only

in Europe's top destinations

Program modules can easily be added

Bookings online

Prices and availability in real time

Groupdiscounts included

Accommodation in the most popular cities